Christchurch Bells

Dance: "Christchurch Bells"
Song: "Christchurch Bells in Oxford", Henry Aldrich, 1673, originally published
in The Second Book of the Catch Club (1733)

(And yes, this is a catch, a.k.a. a round)

Hark the bonny Christchurch bells, one two three four five six.
They sound so moundy great, so wondrous sweet,
And they troul so merrily, merrily.
Hark the first and second bell that every day at four and ten
Cries come, come, come, come, come to prayers, and the verger troops before ye.
Tingle, tingle ting goes the small bell at nine to call the bearers home,
But the de’il a man will leave his can ‘til he hears the mighty Tom.

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Lise M. Dyckman ©2004, freely licensed under a Creative Commons License for non- commercial use with credit.