Broom of the Cowdenknows (traditional)

Dance: "Broom the bonny bonny broom"
Song: "Broom of the Cowdenknows" (traditional)

How blyth ilk Morn was I to see,
My love come o'er the Hill!
He skip'd the Burn, and flew to me:
I met him with good Will.
          O The Broom, the bonny Broom,
          The Broom of Cowdenknows;
          I wish I were at hame again,
          To milk my Daddy's cows
.          [herding my father’s ewes]

I neither wanted Ewe nor Lamb
While his Flock near me lay;
He gather'd in my Sheep at E'en,
And chear'd me a' the Day.
He tun'd his Pipe and Reed sae sweet,
[alt.: She tuned her harp and played so sweet]
The Birds stood list'ning by:
E'en the dull Cattle stood and gaz'd,
Charm's with his Melody.

While thus we spent our Time by turns,
Betweixt our Flocks and Play:
I envy'd not the fairest Dame, [lord]
Tho' ne'er so rich and gay.

He did oblige me ev'ry Hour,
Cou'd I but faithfu' be;
He stole my Heart: cou'd I refuse,
Whate'er he ask'd of me?

Hard Fate that I shou'd banish'd be,
Gang heavily and mourn,
Because I lov'd the kindest Swain [lass]
That ever yet was born.

Adieu ye Cowdenknows, adieu;
Farewell a' Pleasures there;
Ye Gods restore to me my love,
Is a' I crave or care.

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